Big B’s aversion to ‘Bollywood’

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 22 2010]

Hey hey hey! Don’t jump to any conclusions yet…. Just read on to know the whole story.

The legendary icon Amitabh Bachchan recently expressed his displeasure with the word ‘Bollywood’ at a book launch.

Film critic S M M Ausaja had come up with a unique book titled ‘Bollywood In Posters’. The first copy was unveiled Mr. Bachchan at Crossword. The book is a compilation of the author’s personal collection of posters, lobby cards, record album covers and other memorabilia.

The actor had been very appreciative of Ausaja’s efforts and remarked that the poster collection will be a record for the coming generation. I think these are a very important element especially in the field of arts and craft and creativity. A 100 years from now when our future generation will come across this book, they will have a great opportunity to see what their ancestors were involved in, the kind of films they made and the kind of art work associated with the films,” stated Bachchan. But then he added to say that the only thing that he didn’t like about the book is that the title and the use of the word Bollywood.

It is said that the star is more in favour of using the term Indian film industry rather than Bollywood.